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Security For Your Most Prized Possession,
Your Identity.

Blockchain Photo Management

Encrypted Photo Protection and Management.

AI Adjustments & Enhance.

Shot block & Device Detect.

Ability To Control Photos Shared Anywhere.

Secrypt is an encrypted blockchain application, protecting your identity in the modern digital age. We as humans love to send pictures to our friends, loved ones, and relationship partners, but what
happens when the photos are no longer in good hands?
Have you ever sent a photo and needed a way to get it
back? Now you can. Secrypt is the answer and the next
multi million-dollar application that will change the way
we value our security. Our personal identity should ultimately be our own.


We value your lifestyle. We want to protect your lifestyle. We elevate your social security protection.

Your image is yours, that's our why.


Employing blockchain technology inspired by cryptocurrencies, Secrypt offers a dynamic 30-second interval number generation, protecting photos  and tracking. The platform manages image access and storage within an internal blockchain cloud server, while also allowing for the removal of images from unauthorized users. To enhance security, Secrypt employs facial recognition to identify foreign devices and promptly blocks unauthorized screen captures, even preventing screenshots.


My name is Felitche Hutchinson

Felitche Hutchinson serves as the visionary force behind this formidable application, drawing inspiration from literature and strategic insights to master the intricacies of coding, graphic design, and holistic leadership. As the CEO, Felitche personally handcrafted this application, driven by a profound commitment to advancing personal security in the ever-evolving landscape of technology. His unwavering purpose is rooted in the eradication of the rampant proliferation of hacks and scams targeting the global youth demographic, safeguarding their digital integrity for the next generation.

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Our Vault.

Our team embodies a unique blend of youthful vigor, extensive expertise, intellectual acumen, and unwavering resilience. Our collective experience is deeply rooted in the intricate dynamics of successfully operating a startup enterprise.


As a seasoned professional in the field of Graphic Design, Felitche possesses an innate ability to seamlessly translate his creative concepts into visually compelling imagery. It is noteworthy that all the wireframes and websites you currently encounter have been meticulously crafted by the CEO, underscoring his hands-on involvement and design expertise.

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Looking To Get In Early?

Investor packages and exclusive deals available now, as well as career opprotunities.

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